Today is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and today we join hands with survivors, activists, decision makers and people from all walks of life to shine a light on the need for funding, essential services, prevention and data to shape better informed responses.
Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today and remains still largely unreported. It can be physical, sexual or psychological and manifests in many different forms from domestic violence, genital mutilation, child marriage, human trafficking, sexual violence, and harassment online and on our streets.
Violence against women and girls is an obstacle to achieving equality.
At Glasgow City, we join our friends around the world to ensure no one is left behind. This year, Covid-19 has affected us all and reports of violence against women and girls has risen, particularly domestic violence in the home.
Survivors of violence very often have limited information and awareness of available services and limited ability to access these support services.
Throughout the next 16 days, we join the UN Campaign of activism which starts today and ends on 10th December 2020, International Human Rights Day. The campaign is titled, ‘Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!’ and we ask our many friends to join us to support it.
We can all make a difference, let’s start today.