
Our club was founded in 1998, since then hundreds of players have taken to the pitch in the orange and black jerseys that have become synonymous with blazing a trail for women and girls in football in Scotland, becoming a club for everyone.

Each player and coach a part of the fabric of the club.

This is our evolving archive celebrating them all. Ensuring that their name, and their impact is not forgotten; continuing to be a reference point for the team of today.


a (abercrombie to agrimsdottir)

ABERCROMBIE, Kirsten (23 apps, 1 goal)

ALLIE, Aliyaah (6 apps, 0 goals)

AGRIMSDOTTIR, Arna Sif (6 apps, 2 goals)

b (Barnes to Bulloch)

BARNES, Ciara (23 apps, 14 goals)

BARRY, Diana (25 apps, 24 goals)

BATES, Mya (7 apps, 0 goals)

BEATTIE, Kerry (14 apps, 8 goals)

BIRRELL, Lyndsey (17 apps, 6 goals)

BLACK, Emma (238 apps, 55 goals)

BLACK, Nicola (11 apps, 5 goals)

BORA, Dilan (3 apps, 0 goals)

BOYCE, Carla (24 apps, 5 goals)

BROWN, Jane (3 apps, 8 goals)

BRUCE, Diane (25 apps, 3 goals)

BULLOCH, Amy (1 app, 0 goals)

c (callaghan to cuthbert)

CALLAGHAN, Jennifer (7 apps, 6 goals)

CAMERON, Lindsay (36 apps, 32 goals)

CAMERON, Tina (35 apps, 5 goals)

CAMPBELL, Leeanne (220 apps, 51 goals)

CHINCHILLA, Priscilla (88 apps, 55 goals)

CLACHRIE, Donna (38 apps, 8 goals)

CLARK, Jenna (143 apps, 30 goals)

CLELLAND, Sarah (3 apps, 0 goals)

COAKLEY, Hannah (1 app, 2 goals)

COLLINS, Michelle (10 apps, 1 goal)

COLVILL, Aoife (49 apps, 22 goals)

CONDIE, Jennifer (6 apps, 1 goal)

COOPER, Angela (19 apps, 10 goals)

COOPER, Kathleen (3 apps, 0 goals)

CORSIE, Rachel (137 apps, 42 goals)

CRICHTON, Leanne (171 apps, 31 goals)

CRILLY, Sarah (35 apps, 37 goals)

CUNNINGHAM, Megan (11 apps, 0 goals)

CUNNINGHAM, Murron (27 apps, 1 goal)

CUTHBERT, Erin (53 apps, 23 goals)

d (dalziel to donachie)

DALZIEL, Danica (70 apps, 32 goals)

DAVIDSON, Lauren (135 apps, 77 goals)

DEITER, Nikki (11 apps, 0 goals)

DOCHERTY, Aimee (1 app, 0 goals)

DOCHERTY, Jan (9 apps, 0 goals)

DOCHERTY, Nicola (237 apps, 20 goals)

DODDS, Tyler (36 apps, 9 goals)

DODWELL, Lyndsay (1 app, 0 goals)

DONACHIE, Mellissa (49 apps, 7 goals)

DONACHIE, Tracy (45 apps, 4 goals)


F (fairlie to fulutidulu)

FAIRLIE, Susan (26 apps, 19 goals)

FARRELL, Autumn (1 app, 0 goal)

FARRELLY, Niamh (33 apps, 7 goals)

FAY, Gemma (24 apps, 0 goals)

FERGUSON, Julie (110 apps, 72 goals)

FILIPA, Agata (29 apps, 2 goals)

FISHER, Taylor (6 apps, 3 goals)

FISHLOCK, Jess (11 apps, 5 goals)

Forsblom, Wilma (21 apps, 5 goals)

FLEETING, Julie (15 apps, 21 goals)

FREDA, Krystyna (1 app, 0 goals)

FULUTIDULU, Ode (44 apps, 19 goals)

g (gallagher to griffin)

GALLAGHER, Cheryl (9 apps, 0 goals)

GEMMELL, Clare (70 apps, 11 goals)

GEMMELL, Marie (25 apps, 16 goals)

GIAMONNA, Carlee (11 apps, 8 goals)

GIBB, Sarah (12 apps, 2 goals)

GIRASOLI, Carly (52 apps, 9 goals)

GRANT, Abbi (148 apps, 73 goals)

GRANT, Nicky (22 apps, 7 goals)

GRANT, Shelley (51 apps, 2 goals)

GRANT, Suzanne (56 apps, 84 goals)

GREENING, Erin (20 apps, 4 goals)

GRIBBEN, Suzanne (5 apps, 0 goals)

GRIFFIN, Leanne (72 apps)

h (hamilton to howat)

HAMILTON, Tracey (36 apps, 30 goals)

HARRIS, Donna (30 apps, 0 goals)

HASTINGS, Ruth (1 app, 0 goals)

HAY, Brogan (21 apps, 8 goals)

HAY, Kodie (18 apps, 2 goals)

HEGARTY, Deborah (15 apps, 3 goals)

HILL, Maddie (9 apps, 1 goal)

HOGG, Lynsey (20 apps, 3 goals)

HOUGH, Sarah (6 apps, 4 goals)

HOULISTON, Anne (15 apps, 4 goals)

HOWAT, Kirsty (74 apps, 60 goals)

i (ivanusa)

IVANUSA, Lara (26 apps, 6 goals)

j (james to jordan)

JAMES, Donna (39 apps, 51 goals)

JAMIESON, Caroline (17 apps, 4 goals)

JOHNSTONE, Claire (60 apps, 2 goals)

JONES, Rhonda (24 apps, 4 goals)

JORDAN, Savannah (3 apps, 6 goals)

k (kats to kuyt)

KATS, Vital (23 apps, 7 goals)

KEENAN, Keeva (33 apps, 4 goals)

KERR, Sam (83 apps, 18 goals)

KIRKPARTICK, Shirley (2 apps, 8 goals)

KOZAK, Kinga (71 apps, 19 apps)

KULIS, Lidija (12 apps, 3 apps)

KUYT, Nikki (99 apps, 10 goals)

l (laird to livingston)

LAIRD, Fiona (52 apps, 10 goals)

LAPPIN, Suzanne (261 apps, 231 goals)

LARKIN, Abbie (13 apps, 2 goals)

LEVANDER, Heidi (2 apps, 0 goals)

LINDNER, Kat (173 apps, 127 goals)

LITTLEJOHN, Ruesha (121 apps, 120 goals)

LIVINGSTON, Angela (117 apps, 0 goals)

m (macdonald to murray)

MACDONALD, Laura (63 apps, 24 goals)

MACDONALD, Marina (3 apps, 1 goal)

MACFARLANE, Gail (18 apps, 1 goal)

MACLAREN, Lorna (18 apps, 1 goal)

MARLBOROUGH, Morgan (10 apps, 3 goals)

MARTIN, Sharon (7 apps, 3 goals)

MAXWELL, Susan (68 apps, 30 goals)

MCCABE, Katie (17 apps, 5 goals)

MCCARTHY, Savannah (42 apps, 8 goals)

MCCOMBE, Claire (18 apps, 1 goal)

MCCORMACK, Kirsty (45 apps, 3 goals)

MCCULLOCH, Cheryl (65 apps, 11 goals)

MCDONALD, Amy (8 apps, 1 goal)

MCDONALD, Ashley (9 apps, 6 goals)

MCGILLIVARY, Aileen (1 app, 0 goals)

MCGLINCHEY, Karsey (14 apps, 0 goals)

MCGOVERN, Aine (1 app, 0 goals)

MCINALLY, Karen (- app, 1 goal)

MCLAUCHLAN, Rachel (30 apps, 10 goals)

MCCLINTOCK, Jordan (42 apps, 14 goals)

MCMULLAN, Julie (3 apps, 0 goals)

MCMURCHIE, Lauren (92 apps, 20 goals)

MCNICOL, Kirsty (102 apps, 3 goals)

MCPARLAND, Lee (4 apps, 1 goal)

MCSORLEY, Eilish (144 apps, 38 goals)

MCVEY, Pauline (149 apps, 91 goals)

MCWHINNIE, Debbie (36 apps, 72 goals)

MCWHINNIE, Linda (7 apps, 2 goals)

MELROSE, Julie (15 apps, 10 goals)

MICHIE, Cailin (20 apps, 4 goals)

MITCHELL, Emma (59 apps, 53 goals)

MITCHELL, Kathleen (23 apps, 4 goals)

MITCHELL, Kayleigh (1 app, 0 goals)

MOLIN, Julia (47 apps, 3 goals)

MONSIVAIS, Desiree (4 apps, 0 goals)

MONTGOMERY, Kerry (27 apps, 6 goals)

MONTGOMERY, Laura (263 apps, 12 goals)

MOORE, Meikayla (51 apps, 5 goals)

MORO, Romina (6 apps, 1 goal)

MULVEY, Suzanne (41 apps, 35 goals)

MURRAY, Christie (49 apps, 34 goals)

MURRAY, Noelle (28 apps, 17 goals)

n (nelson to noel)

NELSON, Julie (40 apps, 8 goals)

NOBLE, Niamh (10 apps, 1 goal)

NOEL, Rammie (5 apps, 1 goal)

o (o'donnell to o'sullivan)

O'DONNELL, Kathleen (24 apps, 17 goals)

OSCARSSON, Anna (49 apps, 3 goals)

O'SULLIVAN, Denise (67 apps, 33 goals)

p (pagliarulo to prades insa)

PAGLAIRULO, Danni (20 apps, 3 goals)

PATERSON, Donna (16 apps, 2 goals)

PATERSON, Jill (60 apps, 4 goals)

PATON, Joanne (33 apps, 7 goals)

PEREA, Peyton (11 apps, 1 goal)

PORTER, Miracle (7 apps, 2 goals)

PRADES INSA, Beatriz (29 apps, 4 goals)

r (rafferty to ross)

RAFFERTY, Georgie (19 apps, 1 goal)

REID, Nicola (9 apps, 0 goals)

REILLY, Katie (1 app, 0 goals)

RICE, Katie (1 app, 0 goals)

ROBERTSON, Lisa (24 apps, 11 goals)

ROBERTSON, Nicole (18 apps, 3 goals)

RONALD, Lucy (1 app, 0 goals)

ROSEN, Haley (9 apps, 8 goals)

ROSS, Jane (172 apps, 157 goals)

ROSS, Leanne (365 apps, 264 goals)

s (scott to sullivan)

SCOTT, Hannah (1 app, 1 goal)

SHAW, Donna (24 apps, 5 goals)

SHINE, Clare (106 apps, 70 goals)

SILVER, Lauren (5 apps, 0 goals)

SIMMS, Maureen (101 apps, 0 goals)

SINCLAIR, Hayley (21 apps, 13 goals)

SINCLAIR, Lucy (2 apps, 1 goal)

SMITH, Carol (1 app, 0 goals)

SMITH, Lorna (4 apps, 0 goals)

SMYTH, Helen (27 apps, 1 goal)

SNEDDON, Megan (118 apps, 20 goals)

SOMERVILLE, Jayne (95 apps, 20 goals)

STEWART, Carol Anne (9 apps, 0 goals)

STEWART, Danielle (12 apps, 5 goals)

STEWART, Hannah (16 apps, 3 goals)

SULLIVAN, Cori (24 apps, 11 goals)

t (thomson to toland)

THOMSON, Emily (4 apps, 1 goal)

TIDBY, Clare (1 app, 0 goals)

TOLAND, Tyler (15 apps, 2 goals)


v (van wyk)

VAN WYK, Janine (21 appearances, 3 goals)

w (wade to wyne)

WADE, Lauren (11 apps, 1 goal)

WALKER, Alyshia (7 apps, 1 goal)

WARD, Erin (1 app, 0 goals)

WARDLAW, Charlotte (33 apps, 2 goals)

WATSON, Geradine (16 apps, 0 goals)

WEIR, Kenzie (32 apps, 5 goals)

WELSH, Maxine (1 app, 0 goals)

WERNHAM, Fiona (16 apps, 3 goals)

WHYTE, Courtney (17 apps, 7 goals)

WILLETTS, Tracey (2 apps, 0 goals)

WILLIAMSON, Laura (66 apps, 1 goal)

WOJCIK, Sharon (15 apps, 3 goals)

WOOLLEY, Emma (19 apps, 7 goals)

WRIGHT, Rachel (1 app, 0 goals)

WYNE, Zaneta (21 apps, 1 goal)




ZERBINATI, Charline (22 apps, 0 goals)


O'DONNELL, Kathleen (1998-99)

CAULFIELD, Peter (1999 - 2010)

WOLECKI BLACK, Eddie (2011 -2015)

BOOTH, Scott (2015-2021)

SCOTT, Grant (2021 interim)

GLEESON, Eileen (2021-2022)